SMS Marketing guides

Top 5 SMS Marketing Use Case

This is the ERA of digitalization; more and more people give their business a digital touch and try every possible tech way to grow their business.
They are investing in new age Social media marketing, email marketing but the smart one never ignore SMS marketing.
No matter how much technology evolves; SMS marketing will never go out of the fashion.
The numbers of growing mobile market show that SMS marketing becomes more famous in coming future.

Below are Some best SMS marketing example:

Sales/Lead generation: With SMS marketing one can drive more traffic in sales funnel and crack more deals with fewer follow-ups. SMS is the only marketing channel that provides open rates up to 90%.
With such a type of response make SMS marketing more reliable and user-friendly when your message directly drops in your customer pocket.
Marketing Campaigns: In any product selling cycle; marketing is the main pillar. And as we all know people are becoming more tech savvy and becoming more technology friendly.
But in marketing, there is one phrase that says; to get more sales you need to Connect with “targeted customers”.
No matter which marketing channel one is using, to get sales one need to make Connect with targeted customers.
In email marketing and social media marketing, open rates and conversion is not
But, in SMS marketing you need to just get your targeted customer in your opt-in list and you are all set to get open-rates around 90% compared to 30% to 35% in email marketing.

Read also: SMS marketing vs. Email Marketing

Verification: SMS is widely used in a verification process. From banking sector to social media giants like facebook and twitter rely on SMS for their verification process.
Security is one of the most important concerns in verification process among service providers and consumers. SMS is the safest communication medium to send such sensitive data like OTP, account information or password.
Appointment/Reminder: For every organization; to deal with appointment task is very hectic and it often ends with miscommunication and misunderstanding. To complete this task with ease SMS is the best option.

Read Also: Benefits of SMS marketing

Short Surveys/Feedback: SMSs are the best and quick option when it comes to collect data or feedbacks. Feedback via SMS is the best practice for any business to get noticed in your customer’s eyes. This would also help to improve your service.
SMS is also a great and way to run a survey. This also helps to build a new customer base.
Sign up now on SMSlane and get started with SMS marketing.

SMS Marketing guides

Boost Online Sales with SMS marketing

Mobile marketing is evolving with the time. The smartphone market is booming, As per survey in end of 2019 mobile phone market will cross 810 million users.
According to the survey, an average person opens his phone more than 150 times a day.
This is the best time to enter into mobile marketing market.
SMS is all time favorite medium for a top-level marketer. They know the value of SMS and its ROI.
SMS is the only marketing medium that gives you highest CTR as compared to any other marketing medium.

Let’s see how E-commerce Sites can use SMS to increase sales revenue.

SMS marketing plus point is it can deliver more in few words. With just 160 characters you can deliver more and receive more.
Below I am sharing some key points, how one can use SMS marketing for an E-commerce site.
Send Reminders:  Reminder is the best way to engage with the customers it helps to get customer attention. You can send payment reminders,
Send New Offers: With 95% + open rates, SMS is an ideal way to promote your business. You can send your offers, new deals and coupons directly to the customer pocket.
Inform Customer: Many times customer want to buy something but at that time the item may be not available in stocks. You can inform those customers when the item back in stocks by sending simple follow up SMS.
Follow-up:   a survey held by Shopify revealed that 60%+ customer leave sites after adding items int the cart. To convert those people into sales you can send they follow up SMS to remind them to complete the buying process.

Also Read: Top 5 tips for better SMS Marketing

How SMS marketing help E-commerce business (benefits)

Customer base builder: By using simple opt-in SMS campaign you can generate more new leads and customer.
Better Analytics: technology is evolving very rapidly. At SMSLane we also upgrade our service and come up with many new features like Smart SMS that help to capture and analyze customer behavior, which can help you to run a more effective campaign.
Increase online sales: This whole process of sending an informational SMS to sending an offer, the final goal of this is to achieve more sales revenue. If you are doing everything perfectly then soon your sales graph will go upwards.
Feedback: Feedbacks are very important if you want to run a successful business. Your most unhappy customer is your best source of learning. And SMS can help you to get those learning by simply asking your customer.
Brand Building: Once you start SMS campaign your customer start recognizing you and next when your customer sees something about your product they will never ignore at first sight because now you are not unknown to them. With simple SMS you can build and grow your brand.

SMS templates for E-commerce

Order Confirmation: “Dear *customer name*, your item blue demine order is confirmed will be delivered by Thursday 7th 2018. – *ABC PVT LTD *”
Account Activation: Hello *customer name* Thank you for choosing us. We are happy to serve you. Please click this link to activate your account and get 30% off on your first order.
Account Recovery: “21321” is your account recovery OTP. Add this to account recovery page and recover your account.
Payment Confirmation: Dear *customer name* you order with ID 12313 has been successfully placed and payment is accepted. Your order will deliver to you by 3rd September 2018.
Seasonal offers: Diwali offer: – Buy 2 Kutras and get 1 absolutely free. HURRY UP OFFER END SOON. USE THIS COUPAON at check out: “DIWALI2018”

SMS Marketing guides

Top 5 tips for better SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is evolving in every industry now. Almost Every industry starts leveraging SMS marketing to grow their business.
SMS marketing provides the highest ROI in comparison to other marketing
But many marketers fail to get the best out of SMS marketing.
If you are facing the same issue then this article will help to improve your SMS campaign that defiantly boosts your business growth.

Below are the Top 5 SMS marketing tips:

1. Avoid miss-communication: This often happens when SMS Campaign contains unfocused content that leads customers into the dilemma whether a company is trustworthy or not. And your chance to convert those
2. Never use SPAM words: If your message contains full of fancy words like “COOL” “LOTTERY” or “YOU WON” then it will backfire your campaign. Choose your KEYWORD wisely in your messages.
3. Real-Time Offering: Whenever you offer something to your customers make sure your offer provides immediate value to your customer. Your promotional message should provide real-time offers. Immediate offer lead customers to take instant action.
For Example: “Text OFFER to 95577 to receive a unique offer for your next purchase.”
Read Also: 8 Benefits of using bulk SMS service
4. Don’t hide Yourself : Suppose you will get a promotional message from the unknown person, what will you do? You will ignore, Right?  Nobody like a promotional message from the unknown source, In SMS marketing you must include yourself and identify yourself so your customer recognize you and take some action on your message.
5. Make your consumer special: As you start gaining the trust of your customers and your customers starting connected with you then it will be the best time to give them something special to make them feel that they are part of something valuable. This type of practice will build more trust in customers.

SMS Marketing guides

[INFO-GRAPHIC] 4 SMS Marketing Ideas for Valentine's day

SMS Marketing Ideas for Valentine's day
SMS Marketing Ideas
SMS Marketing guides

5 Reason to use SMS marketing as your marketing TOOL

When it comes to market your product or promote your services there are so many options available in today’s time.
But not all marketing solution you can go with or not all marketing solution you can afford.
Like if you are a startup or running small business then maybe for your startup TV commercial is not the option.
In this post, you will find why SMS marketing is the best and what makes SMS marketing different than other marketing solution.
Below are the TOP 5 reasons; why one should use SMS marketing.

5 reasons: why you should use SMS marketing for your business.

Affordable: Like other marketing solution SMS marketing will not cost you big bucks. It is highly customizable. You can use SMS marketing as per your requirement and.
Provide high ROI:  As I said before SMS marketing is very affordable, one SMS will hardly cost you 8 paisa/sms. And the result you get in exchange for your investment is far better than other marketing solution. That is why SMS marketing is Top of the ROI chart.
User base builder:  Let’s say you just start your own restaurant and you don’t have any data to send SMS. With help of two-way messaging, you can ask People to opt into your campaign list.
For Example: Send “JOIN” to 62008 and get 20% discount on your first visit. HURRY OFFER END SOON.
Now when customer Send JOIN to your provided number you will get customer number and then you can contact back in future to send information or offers.

“Also Read: 8 Benefits of using bulk SMS service

Trackable: At SMSLane we are providing SMART SMS feature by that you can easily monitor your individual SMS and track down your report. That defiantly helps you with your future SMS campaign.
Easy to connect: In email and social media your user may have many accounts that make targeting bit hard but in SMS you can land up directly into your user pocket and as stats show every SMS sent read within 5 minutes.
Time-saving: Unlike every other marketing service SMS marketing does not require much resource and time. In SMS marketing you just need to write your campaign message within 160 characters and you are all ready to kick-start your campaign. You don’t need to design or make long email template instead you can say more with fewer words with SMS marketing.
To sum up:
SMS is relatively quick, easy and cost-effective to implement. If you are a small business or a big organization SMS marketing is perfect for both. If you want to market your product or just want to build your opt-in user list, SMS marketing is the best option you can go with.
Up to you: If you have any question-related SMS marketing You can contact us: we are happy to help you.

Don’t miss out the power of SMS marketing. SIGN UP now and start your CAMPAIGN today.

SMS Marketing guides

What Makes Bulk SMS a Great Marketing Tool

For any business, marketing is the main pillar of the company. And every company use different-different marketing tool and service to Market their businesses. But there is one marketing tool that is part of almost every business marketing plan that is BULK SMS service.

Bulk SMS service is more reliable and effective compared to any other marketing tools.


There are many advantages of using bulk SMS marketing tool but below i am sharing 5 main benefits of sms marketing that stand apart SMS service from other marketing services.

1. Reach More with SMS: There are more than 5 billion mobile users in 2017(source) and the number is increasing rapidly. That shows that you can reach more consumers with an SMS than any other tool.

2. Connect with Customer: With SMS Service to connect with your customer is easier now. SMS service allows you to send a personalized text to your customer. So, you can send your greeting message or ask for service feedback and you can also send them language based massages also.

3. Cost Effective & reliable: When it comes to market your business or promote your product, there are many platforms you can go with but when it comes to cost most of the marketing platform are a bit more expensive.

But, when it comes to SMS services it is not just affordable but effective & reliable also.

4. Easy & time saving: It is easy because you just need to add content & your customer number and hit send button that’s it you are done.

Watch how to send SMS from the internet with SMSLane.

And its time saving because you don’t have to create a long flyer or draft long newsletter; in SMS you have to just write important stuff about your product in 160 characters and you are all done to start your SMS marketing campaign.

5. High Open Rates: The best thing about SMS marketing is you will get high Open Rates. Research shows that 90% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes. With high open rates, you get high conversion rates.

This is all. NOW your turn

Tell me, are you using SMS as a marketing tool? If yes share your feedback in the comment box and if you are looking to start then check OUR PLAN here.

SMS Marketing guides

8 Benefits of using bulk SMS service

Bulk SMS is the best option available for small or big business to market their business with low cost. If you rae new to SMS marketing then this post will help you to encase your SMS marking knowledge and you also know about some of best bulk SMS benefits.

Below are the Top 8 Bulk SMS Benefits:

  1. High Open Rate:

With compare to other Marketing tools Bulk SMS Marketing has a very high open rate.
Almost every SMS sent is open within 10 minutes. Whereas the only fraction of Email sent is open by Email and most of them deliver into the spam box.

  1. High Conversion Rate:

With SMS you get a high amount of conversion rate compare to Any other marketing.
In this ERA, Where there are many messaging apps available in the market Still people prefer SMS to communication. And Especially B2C receives high conversion rate compared to other platforms.

  1. Inexpensive:

Bulk SMS Service is very budget friendly and economic compare to billboard, television or magazine advertising.

SEE SMSLane Pricing.

  1. Effortless:

Sending an SMS is not a rocket science and not requires any Ph.D. degree. Any person who has a mobile knows how to send SMS.
But, if you are looking for Sending bulk SMS to your customer then mobile is not a good choice.
You need something more reliable and more effective.
With SMSLane you can do it with ease and start your Bulk SMS Campaign.

  1. Easy reach:

Now a day’s even a simplest mobile phone has an SMS features.
People do not need any internet connection to access the SMS features( that is the best bulk SMS benefits it has very few dependency). That means you can reach more user with SMS than any other platform.

  1. Wide appeal:

More than 4.77 billion mobile users out there (this is a HUGE amount, isn’t it?)
People are very used to do with SMS than any other Things that is why they always prefer SMS communication.

  1. Speed:

In Email Marketing User have to Log in and need an internet connection to operate an Email and other advertising media demand HUGE money but in Bulk SMS service you do not only save money but you save time also.
Fact shows that more than 98% SMS sent are read within 10 minutes.

  1. Personalization:

SMS can be Personalization too.
If you want to send specific SMS based on Buyer’s last buying behavior or location-based or individually sculpted base.
With BULK SMS SERVICE you can achieve this level of rationalization other services might provide this feature but they Demand Huge money.
Want More Information: Contact us on- +91-9979524323 
And, Feel Free to Share your view in the comment box below.
Thank You.

SMS Marketing guides

Why you should use Bulk SMS service for your business

You want to promote your product or inform you customer about your offer or just share greeting to your customers.
But, confuse which service to use.
There is a one Service called BULK SMS Service you can rely on.
You are still confused about Service Provider.




Our service is budget friendly and you can purchase with just a few mouse clicks. No external Software Required, SMSLane gives you User Friendly Panel you can use from your web browser anytime and anywhere.
WHAT SMSLane Offer?

  • Upload file facility, Made stuffs easier.
  • Message Scheduling, Saves your important times.
  • Support, that cares for you
  • Android Application, Play with your thumb.

And much more: Contact: +91-9979524323 for brief Knowledge of our Product.
You want to grow your business at low cost with high ROI?
Then there is no other service which can compete with BULK SMS service.


Let’s reverse the question

  • Who else is not using SMS service?
  • Answer is every business is using SMS service..

From Airlines to automobile, form retail to real estate everyone is using SMS service to grow their business.
List of industry using SMS service to grow their businesses.

  • Real Estate
  • Retail
  • Stock Brokering
  • Advertising & Event Management
  • Airlines
  • Automobiles
  • Education
  • Banking
  • Consumer Durables
  • Courier & Logistics
  • Ecommerce & Portals
  • Education
  • FMCG
  • Placements & Consultants
  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Insurance
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Tours & Travels
  • Web, CRM & ERP

Still you are thinking??
Stop thinking and SIGN UP NOW with SMSLane and start growing you business.

SMS Marketing guides

5 Reason Why SMS Marketing is Better than E-mail Marketing

Engagement Opportunity :

“60% of people in the world own a mobile phone compared with 40% who have access to the internet.”

Now, If you go with only Email marketing that means you are losing that 20% Engagement opportunity.
That Means,
SMS marketing helps you to get more reach and more engagement compare to Email marketing.
And with More Engagement you will get more business and that defiantly boost your business PROFIT.
SMS is faster than EMAIL :
Let’s say you want to give information about the weekend offer but you are running out of time.
If you go with Email to promote your offer that means only 26% people will open your email and only 6% will respond.
If you go with SMS you will get more than 95% of the open rate with more than 40% response.

That is why SMS is still King in a matter of conversion ratio.

SMS is Time-Saving:
SMS Marketing is not just affordable but it saves your time too.
With character limitation, you cut the long story short and hit the target right away.
But, In Email marketing, you have to create long drafts and design your email to get a response and this process very time-consuming compared to SMS marketing.
Email Marketing is not just time-consuming but it demands other skills too, to get it done the whole process.
Like, you need a graphic designer to design your email and copywriter to write fruitful and engaging content.
But, In SMS marketing all you need to create 160 characters and you are all set to kick-start your SMS campaign.
You Can track SMS with ease :
Most SMS service Provider gives you simple delivery reporting.
But,  the top players in SMS marketing will not only tell you when your messages have been sent successfully but will also provide you with details on who, what and when links have been clicked ensuring you get the most from your campaigns.
In email marketing to track all email is very lengthy and also a time-consuming task.
But, In SMS you can do it with ease.

ALSO READ: Save 400% by using SMART SMS url tracking

Less SPAM:
In Email marketing, there is a high possibility of your email treated as spam.
That is why SMS marketing is best. In SMS marketing there no such Spam box exists.
And, this is plus point of SMS marketing. That is why SMS open rate is higher than any other marketing method.
That’s it. Feel free to post your feedback.
If, you are looking for bulk SMS service in India Contact on 9979524323 NOW.

SMS Marketing guides

How Real Estate Industry is leveraging the power of tracking based SMS Marketing?

Did you know that SMS marketing has one of the highest open and conversion rates than any other campaigns?

Even though most brands associate a negative vibe to SMS based marketing, it is the only form of marketing that has a 99% open rate according to studies. And the best part is that in 43% of the cases of campaigns, a response is achieved in the first 15 minutes of sending out the campaign.

These tempting facts make for a convincing case for players in the real estate sector to take note of the importance of using Bulk SMS marketing services.

The primary reason being that Real Estate marketing campaigns always have exclusive targets and they demand qualified leads in short time span because more their inventory stays unsold, more will be the price depreciation.

So how does bulk SMS marketing work for the real estate industry?

There are numbers of outstanding features that modern day bulk SMS systems bring into the picture. And these would particularly be of interest to real estate sector organizations as it helps them to improve their marketing efforts and achieve sales targets. Here are some of the key features that enable real estate players to sell better with SMS marketing systems.

Campaign Schedulers:
SMS systems allow you to easily schedule multiple campaigns that can be run on the same group of prospective customers or on a different set of customer contacts simultaneously.
You might have heard similar features in email campaign tools but today these facilities are available even in SMS systems. You can schedule the time and dates for running campaigns depending on seasonal and festive calendars.
Since SMS’s focus on very less text because of character constraints, it is quite easy to set up in a short time frame as well. You don’t have to plan and execute the content creation schedule in advance as even real-time campaigns can be fired.

Smarter URLs
The SMS’s allow text to be appended with smart URL’s that can offer real-time tracking of receiver engagement in addition to directing readers to optimized landing pages where more product and service information can be organized and displayed. With geo-tagging and many more properties, it is easier to identify facts such as areas where your messages have more prominence and better reach. This info is vital for further campaign plannings and brand positioning.

Auto Response
Bulk SMS systems can be configured to be autonomous systems and aid in customer info collection. You can send out a series of messages which collect responses in the form of text or numbers that indicate customer’s choices. In other words, it allows for more targeted surveying of your customers to gain more valuable information about them. These preferences can be loaded into your CRM system to enable agents to contact customers directly with richer information to guide their conversations.

Building Customer Databases
With more auto response enabled conversations through SMS systems, it is easier to build a list of buyers who are more likely to buy or rent a property from you based on their responses. Each SMS can be associated to particular executives and he or she can engage with prospective customers in real time to further nurture their interest into a buying decision.

Read Alos : 8 Benefits of using bulk SMS service

Detailed Reports:
It is easier to track open rates and responses made with smart SMS systems and you can visualize information collected in elaborate details with facts and figures.

Such a deep insight discovery is important to fuel further decisions at managerial level and also allows players to test different marketing and promotional offers for the same class of properties to see which has higher response indicated by more URL clicks.

Cool, so what benefits do these advanced features bring for real estate players?
There are numerous factors that would attract key real estate and property agents to utilize SMS marketing services to improve their overall ROI in marketing efforts. Let us have a look at 5 key benefits real estate businesses can derive if they utilize an efficient Bulk SMS marketing service for their promotions.

Lowered Cost of Marketing:
While an average field executive will demand anywhere close to a minimum of Rs 30000 to Rs 40000 in a metro city per month, an SMS marketing system enables you to communicate the same info as a marketing personnel would with one-tenth the cost involved and besides maintaining a lower workforce in the long run because these systems can be easily automated and scheduled.

Improved visibility of products and services:
Be it selling property or offering assisted premium services, real estate players can utilize SMS based marketing to propagate more targeted campaign messages that have more chances of being read by prospective buyers.

Once a clear database of customers or potential customers are obtained, sending in a tailored message for a customer group can offer greater responses than when you conduct an email campaign or any other digital or physical marketing efforts.

Better response rates:
As we mentioned in the beginning, SMS marketing has been proven worldwide to offer much better open rates than any other planned campaigns. If you are finding it hard to believe, it only takes a minute to check your phone’s inboxes to see how many unread messages you have in the SMS folder.

It will be a bare minimum or many a times there will not be any messages. Around 5 or 6 years ago, there weren’t digital alternatives like WhatsApp or the various internet powered Instant Messenger platforms and people used to have chat conversations via SMS.

Today people have a natural tendency to open phone SMS’s mainly because SMSes are mostly utilized only for important communication.

Shorter Content effort:
Every time you need to send an email campaign or prepare brochures, flyers, etc. the key challenge that props up is the need to prepare elaborate marketing collateral content.

It is a known fact that your potential buyer will only have a minute or so to spare for promotional content be it in their emails or when they get your marketing flyer or brochure in person. If they have to sweep through tons of text or get puzzled with too many visual elements, the interest factor goes down naturally.

The reason is that you are not narrowing down their experience to what is important – your property details in a snapshot. With SMS’s it is easy to create a short snapshot of your profile in around 100 characters and these characters are more than enough to ignite curiosity in buyers and trigger a response.

The response may either be a click on the attached URL in the SMS or a call back to the number associated with the SMS content or an inquiry over the web, all of which can be converted into sales deals in the near future.

Improved SEO traffic
Yes, you read that right! SMS marketing enables personal messages to have an URL attachment as well. This URL can be a customized landing page for your property wherein you can plan other targeted digital marketing activities.

Since SMS based URL’s have more click rate, they bring in more valuable prospective buyer traffic to your web properties and hence offer greater returns on your SEO efforts.

Are these benefits for real?
Just to give a quick fact check, Coca-Cola spends close to 75% of its mobile-centric marketing budget on bulk SMS marketing. Over 90 % of end consumers who have participated in an SMS based loyalty program have agreed that they derived some kind of value from the program.

With such benefits and high turn-around rates, it is quite a lucrative option for real estate players to give a shot with Bulk SMS systems. Feel free to let us know your thoughts about implementing an SMS based marketing system in your property business and our consultants will assist you in making the right decisions.