Post Covid-19,every one seems to have entered in default savings mode in India. At SMS Lane, we have also come up with an innovative feature which will not only give you better insight on your campaign, but will also save SMS marketing campaign cost by 400%.

Before we leverage the power of SMART SMS, lets first understand what exactly SMART SMS is and how it works. SMSLane has redefined its original SMART url messaging solution with wider reporting feature and data profiling. Our data rich GUI based reporting helps you measure the 360 degree response of your campaign. Biggest advantage of SMART SMS campaign is its ability to connect with your leads in real-time using our unique URL tracking algorithm. Lead generated using this feature is forwarded to a predefined field executive or inside sales team via SMS.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What is Smart URL or Smart Link

A. Smart URL or Smart link is a unique tiny url which is generated by our system based on any long URL. This helps saving character count in a message.

Q. How Smart URL is different from Google or Twitter url shortening service?

A. Usually Google or Twitter url service is used for your entire SMS campaign. This URL remains same for every SMS body in your campaign. Such url shortening service can only tell you, how many people clicked on link, but it can not determine who has clicked on the link.

Our Smart URL can precisely tell you who has clicked on the link at what time. You can also configure a trigger SMS to alert your field executive/inside sales team to contact that lead in real-time.

Q. How does it saves my cost?

As there is no tracking  tool available in SMS like email to profile our data. We are left with no choice other than to keep  sending SMS campaign to same group of people. SMART SMS helps you buildup new list automatically whenever any customer interacts with your SMS.

After using Smart SMS, you can profile you data and effectively plan your next campaign to interested leads only.

This saves a lot of money and resource.

Q. Can I try it free of cost?

Yes, you can. Its available for all our premium users.

Q. I have few more question about this service.

Click Here to discuss with business team or Contact us 9979524323