SMS Marketing guides

Top 5 tips for better SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is evolving in every industry now. Almost Every industry starts leveraging SMS marketing to grow their business.
SMS marketing provides the highest ROI in comparison to other marketing
But many marketers fail to get the best out of SMS marketing.
If you are facing the same issue then this article will help to improve your SMS campaign that defiantly boosts your business growth.

Below are the Top 5 SMS marketing tips:

1. Avoid miss-communication: This often happens when SMS Campaign contains unfocused content that leads customers into the dilemma whether a company is trustworthy or not. And your chance to convert those
2. Never use SPAM words: If your message contains full of fancy words like “COOL” “LOTTERY” or “YOU WON” then it will backfire your campaign. Choose your KEYWORD wisely in your messages.
3. Real-Time Offering: Whenever you offer something to your customers make sure your offer provides immediate value to your customer. Your promotional message should provide real-time offers. Immediate offer lead customers to take instant action.
For Example: “Text OFFER to 95577 to receive a unique offer for your next purchase.”
Read Also: 8 Benefits of using bulk SMS service
4. Don’t hide Yourself : Suppose you will get a promotional message from the unknown person, what will you do? You will ignore, Right?  Nobody like a promotional message from the unknown source, In SMS marketing you must include yourself and identify yourself so your customer recognize you and take some action on your message.
5. Make your consumer special: As you start gaining the trust of your customers and your customers starting connected with you then it will be the best time to give them something special to make them feel that they are part of something valuable. This type of practice will build more trust in customers.

SMS Marketing guides

5 Reason to use SMS marketing as your marketing TOOL

When it comes to market your product or promote your services there are so many options available in today’s time.
But not all marketing solution you can go with or not all marketing solution you can afford.
Like if you are a startup or running small business then maybe for your startup TV commercial is not the option.
In this post, you will find why SMS marketing is the best and what makes SMS marketing different than other marketing solution.
Below are the TOP 5 reasons; why one should use SMS marketing.

5 reasons: why you should use SMS marketing for your business.

Affordable: Like other marketing solution SMS marketing will not cost you big bucks. It is highly customizable. You can use SMS marketing as per your requirement and.
Provide high ROI:  As I said before SMS marketing is very affordable, one SMS will hardly cost you 8 paisa/sms. And the result you get in exchange for your investment is far better than other marketing solution. That is why SMS marketing is Top of the ROI chart.
User base builder:  Let’s say you just start your own restaurant and you don’t have any data to send SMS. With help of two-way messaging, you can ask People to opt into your campaign list.
For Example: Send “JOIN” to 62008 and get 20% discount on your first visit. HURRY OFFER END SOON.
Now when customer Send JOIN to your provided number you will get customer number and then you can contact back in future to send information or offers.

“Also Read: 8 Benefits of using bulk SMS service

Trackable: At SMSLane we are providing SMART SMS feature by that you can easily monitor your individual SMS and track down your report. That defiantly helps you with your future SMS campaign.
Easy to connect: In email and social media your user may have many accounts that make targeting bit hard but in SMS you can land up directly into your user pocket and as stats show every SMS sent read within 5 minutes.
Time-saving: Unlike every other marketing service SMS marketing does not require much resource and time. In SMS marketing you just need to write your campaign message within 160 characters and you are all ready to kick-start your campaign. You don’t need to design or make long email template instead you can say more with fewer words with SMS marketing.
To sum up:
SMS is relatively quick, easy and cost-effective to implement. If you are a small business or a big organization SMS marketing is perfect for both. If you want to market your product or just want to build your opt-in user list, SMS marketing is the best option you can go with.
Up to you: If you have any question-related SMS marketing You can contact us: we are happy to help you.

Don’t miss out the power of SMS marketing. SIGN UP now and start your CAMPAIGN today.

SMS Marketing guides

What Makes Bulk SMS a Great Marketing Tool

For any business, marketing is the main pillar of the company. And every company use different-different marketing tool and service to Market their businesses. But there is one marketing tool that is part of almost every business marketing plan that is BULK SMS service.

Bulk SMS service is more reliable and effective compared to any other marketing tools.


There are many advantages of using bulk SMS marketing tool but below i am sharing 5 main benefits of sms marketing that stand apart SMS service from other marketing services.

1. Reach More with SMS: There are more than 5 billion mobile users in 2017(source) and the number is increasing rapidly. That shows that you can reach more consumers with an SMS than any other tool.

2. Connect with Customer: With SMS Service to connect with your customer is easier now. SMS service allows you to send a personalized text to your customer. So, you can send your greeting message or ask for service feedback and you can also send them language based massages also.

3. Cost Effective & reliable: When it comes to market your business or promote your product, there are many platforms you can go with but when it comes to cost most of the marketing platform are a bit more expensive.

But, when it comes to SMS services it is not just affordable but effective & reliable also.

4. Easy & time saving: It is easy because you just need to add content & your customer number and hit send button that’s it you are done.

Watch how to send SMS from the internet with SMSLane.

And its time saving because you don’t have to create a long flyer or draft long newsletter; in SMS you have to just write important stuff about your product in 160 characters and you are all done to start your SMS marketing campaign.

5. High Open Rates: The best thing about SMS marketing is you will get high Open Rates. Research shows that 90% of all text messages are read within 3 minutes. With high open rates, you get high conversion rates.

This is all. NOW your turn

Tell me, are you using SMS as a marketing tool? If yes share your feedback in the comment box and if you are looking to start then check OUR PLAN here.

SMS Marketing guides

Bulk SMS Service – How to choose agreegator for SMS Marketing in India

Growth of every business resolves around its marketing strategy. When it comes to plan your marketing strategy, first of all you need to find out who exactly your target audience is. As rightly said, people don’t plan to fail but they fail to plan.
Effective Data collection and Data mining are the two main ingredients which helps you to pitch your product and service in the market place in front of the right audience.
Once your target audience and market place is decided, you need an effective tool to reach out your prospective customers.
Bulk SMS is such a tool which has been in existence for last few years in the market. The major reason behind prominent MNC’s choosing bulk SMS as their preferred marketing tool due to exponential growth of mobile subscriber base in India.
Recent research shows that Bulk SMS marketing brings quick and effective response compared to other medium of communication. We at provide cloud based SMS marketing tool , where response of a campaign can be measured in real-time with few mouse clicks. Our Bulk SMS API can be integrated with any third party software/application/CRM/ERP for enhance data reporting and data analysis.
Bulk SMS service in India is gaining momentum day by day in the current market. Selecting a reliable bulk SMS gateway provider in India is a difficult task all together. Here are few questions you should always ask your bulk SMS service provider in India before going for a long term relationship.

  1. Are they connected with Telecom Operator / Aggregator through SMPP pipe
  2. What is their throughput  (Any  thing above 200 SMS per second is recommended)
  3. Does their service supports load balancing
  4. Do they provide real-time delivery report

We hope that the information shared above will help you planning and choosing the best bulk SMS service provider in India for your bulk SMS campaign.
Feel free to contact us at 9979524323 for cheap and reliable bulk SMS gateway. We also provide consultancy services on custom SMS integration for Two Way SMS communication.
Team SMSLane

SMS Marketing guides

SMS Marketing In India

Now a days bulk SMS Marketing in India is very popular service for sending a message. People promote their business, product & service and also companies and banks can provide information to their all clients/Users at one time. This service is more useful, especially in Real estate.

SMS marketing allows for sending of bulk messages from PC and Applications to MOBILE. That make it possible to do this work in an efficient manner. This is the main reason why they can prove to be useful in the Real Estate industry. Several benefits and uses of the same have been mentioned below.

Organizing the data and the people concerned is one of the biggest challenges a real estate agency faces. Getting all the properties listed, having their agents at the right place, contacting the right customer, who had an inquiry about a particular property, all the paperwork and legal matters, etc. are just some of the duties of the real estate agencies. Bulk SMS Marketing is one efficient and innovative way to help them get all these things in proper order.

Simply have all the concerned people like homeowners, buyers, sellers, and agents give their mobile numbers and get it stored on PC. Now, using this database of mobile numbers clubbed with the help of SMS software and gateway technology on the agencies’ PC and all the work can be easily managed.

Firstly, a database of the properties listed and their owners need to be made. From this, SMS can be created mentioning the location, floor space, cost and other valuable inputs and bulk SMS can be sent to those people who are interested in buying a new home or property.

The innovation part comes in when we introduce the SMS application. This application helps you to keep track of all the data and with the help of this application, you can actually send personalized SMS to the buyers.

For e.g., if the buyer is looking for a 3 bedroom house in a particular area, with the help of database find exact matches, using filter option, and automatically sends a message when a fit/match is found. This can also be used to match the owner’s criteria such as in rented properties they might not want bachelors, a family with pets, etc.

Another great way that BULK SMS marketing helps make things easier for real estate agencies is by easily managing the agents and their meetings. Now that a property has been selected by the buyer, it is essential for them to see it as soon as possible. Here, proper timing and scheduling of three people, the owner, the agent and the buyer is needed to be done. With the help of SMS Marketing, proper timings can be negotiated and a fixed date and time can be messaged to all concerned persons. Not just that but we can also send reminders to all of them so that there is no misunderstanding or delays.

This BULK SMS service can also make it easier for dealing with all the petty work. Sending bulk messages every time a new property comes up in the market, rejecting a deal on a property, collecting keys in case owner is not around to show the house, sending legal documents for property transfer and collecting of the same, etc. all this work can be easily coordinated with the use of BULK SMS.

Let’s look at the other uses of BULK SMS in Real Estate:

  • Assigning codes to properties so that automated services regarding enquirers can be sent to the customers
  • Large-scale SMS campaign for property fair or other events
  • Communication at all levels (Owners, Buyers, Agents)
  • An easy way to follow up with all the concerned parties

This technology has immense benefits for the Real Estate industry such as:

  • Live updates
  • Cost-effective
  • Reaches the masses
  • Higher viewership
  • Faster registrations and enquirers
  • Instant mode of contact and communication
  • 24/7 active services
  • Customers and property tracking